Wednesday, January 19, 2011

snow day knitting

Finally got around to knitting something for myself. A simple "big lace" scarf, from Anna Williams' More Last-Minute Knitted Gifts. Quick, easy, fun - I would totally knit it again, though if I did, I may try to shorten the width and make the one hank of yarn last a bit longer. The yarn is Cascade Magnum - very big, soft, wooly and warm. :) One of the simple pleasures for these cold wintry days.

Monday, January 10, 2011

wrapping up 2010

Hello blog, it's been awhile. December was a busy month - what with celebrating Advent, holiday parties, crafting, baking, travel and colds/flu for the whole family - didn't get a chance to update as much as I would have liked. I'll go ahead and save the personal reflections for another time, but here's a quick wrap up of 2010 on the domestic/crafting front:

- My first garden. Killed a few herbs, but grew some beautiful bell peppers and lots of lettuce (and rosemary)!

- Home-milled wheat. Began milling our own wheat flour, and have been experimenting with breads, muffins, and the like. Lots more vitamins, less gluten, and plenty of heartiness.

- Advent. This year, I wanted to be more intentional about the advent season and teaching Collin about the anticipation and meaning of Christmas (meant to blog more about this...but alas, December seemed to whiz by too quickly). He's still pretty young, but I wanted to get us in the habit of celebrating the different seasons of the year (and of life), both physical and spiritual.

- Baking. Baked goods were at an all time high in 2010. I think I was especially drawn to mini-muffins this year, since Collin seems to love them so much.

- Sewing. Started cautiously exploring the world of sewing and quilting. Got a few pillows, a curtain, and some table cloths under the belt...but am hoping to get into this more in the coming year.

And 2011? I wouldn't necessarily call these "resolutions" (sounds too formal, serious and binding), but more like some crafting ideas for the coming year:

- Quilting. This one has gotten off to a good start this week - started working on my first quilt yesterday, and am loving it!

- Composting. Would love to start a compost bin this year (finally!).

- Knitting. 2010 was a pretty slow knitting year. As you can see, the husband got a homemade (and washable!) ribbed wool scarf for Christmas. And aside from some unfinished projects still on my needles, that was about it for 2010. Sweaters, scarfs, many patterns waiting to be tried this year! Oh yeah, and I would like to make something for myself.

- Something red. Would love to grow something red (or orange) in the garden this spring. Tomatoes are the obvious choice...but looking into other edible options. Any suggestions?

- Furniture making? This may be a stretch (but one can dream, right?). Not feeling particularly motivated by this one...but it would be nice to make some kids furniture (and much cheaper than buying it at the store!). Just gotta get over the fear of the power drill (and learn how to use it).