Monday, May 10, 2010

Humble Beginnings

Here is our first little garden, stocked with rosemary, thyme, arugula, garlic, basil, red peppers, mint and some sunflowers. I am hoping that Collin will be able to watch these plants grow in the coming months, and that we'd enjoy a small harvest at the end of the summer (maybe we'll have a home-grown pesto and mojito party!). I'm especially curious about how the red peppers and garlic will turn out...and whether the arugula will survive the somewhat unpredictable New England temperatures.

We had fun planting the seeds and seedlings. There's something very theraputic about working with dirt. I even got Jason to try his thumb he is, gardening at dusk:

And so begins our humble little balcony garden. I will say, it is so tempting at the gardening shop to want to buy different seeds and grow a large variety of vegetables. But for now, we start small...and see where this takes us.

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