Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What a Weekend

Memorial Day weekend was certainly eventful this year. It started off with a BBQ and small reunion for a friend who was visiting. It was nice to see old faces together again...the same, yet different, now ten years later. Oh and the grilled steaks. WOW.

The next morning, we had a baby shower for a dear college friend. It was so nice to hang out and catch up with old friends. And to celebrate new life!

Saturday afternoon, went to an Intervarsity alumni reunion. Intervarsity is where I first experienced the joy of living out my faith and doing ministry with others. There's something nice about going back to these "roots" hitting a soft spot.

Sunday, took a day-trip to NYC. Tracey had her 30th birthday bash in Central Park...a wonderful picnic in beautiful weather. Here are the cupcakes I contributed. I tried to do a no-frost top with a jab of raspberry jam; the problem was that the jam wouldn't stay in the center. Oh well, it's the thought that counts right? :)

Finally, on Memorial Day, Jason and I took Collin to Plymouth, MA. Introduced him to some U.S. history on a day that memorializes those that served this country. We visited the oldest working mill in the U.S., and learned about how dangerous milling corn can be, and how the mill owner was often the richest man in town.

Then, had a quiet family picnic...just us and the ducks. A nice, relaxing ending to a jam-packed weekend.

1 comment:

  1. was that pun intentional at the end? =) i loved seeing your pics! wish i could've been there to celebrate esther's baby shower!
