Friday, November 30, 2012


I haven't blogged in so long, I don't even know where to start. Since my last entry, we have enjoyed three beautiful weddings; both my boys have turned a year older; my brother got engaged; we survived our first hurricaine and noreaster of the season; my husband switched jobs; we baked our first ham; and I have been enjoying this season of knitting, baking and making. It's been a full fall season, and we are looking forward to Advent this weekend. A few highlight from this fall. Collin is three now, and oh my, what a difference a year makes. He is truly a little person now - chatting away in his own little magical world, making all sorts of connections, learning new things, and acting more and more like a BOY, losing any last traces of "baby." I've got to say, this parenting adventure has been getting more and more fun as I grow with this kid. It amazes me that it's already been three years; most days it still feels like we are just starting out, just getting acquainted with this "parenting" role, and barely able to keep up with what we are supposed to be doing (or who we are supposed to be). Owen, my "baby", is still a baby. I love his little cuddles, and I'm in no rush for him to hit his next milestone - just as I push forward with Collin, looking forward to all the new things he'll learn and experience, I tend to hold back a little with Owen, savoring every little moment, loving that he is who he is right now (cuz he will be different tomorrow), and marveling at his little fingers and toes and cheeks with just a bit more care. While parenting Collin has felt like a whirlwind of learning and "catching up" with my child; parenting Owen has let me slow down a bit and learn to savor all of who he is (and who I am as his mama). Friends have asked me if I favor one son over another - and honestly, I don't even know what that means. They are so different, and unique, and individual - I love them both fully, wholly, and as much as I ever could...but I also hope I am able to love them in their individuality - not more or less, but differently and uniquely, so that they may know deeply that they are each fearfully and wonderfully made. Well, I had started this entry thinking of sharing some of the crafting that has been happening these last couple months...but as usual, got sidetracked by the kids. :) But just to get back a little on track - I am very much looking forward to my second online class through Squam, starting in January: The Intuitive Lens
Anyone want to join me?

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