Friday, July 12, 2013


I am a big believer in seasonal friendships - friends and community that lasts for a season, but not a life-time. Circumstances, location, life-stages and whatnot may cause these friendships to be very close for a season, and then grow more distant at others. Many of my most life-giving and supportive friendships have been of this sort, and I am very grateful for them. But there is, on occasion, the ones that last more than a season - the ones that last through different life-stages, and ones that may even last a life-time. The tone and tenor of the frienship may change through different seasons, but the relationship remains close and strong. This weekend, I spent three days with such a friend, and it made me realize how rare and nice it is to have these. Funny how 10 years ago, we were single, law school students who loved hosting dinners together and talking about living intentionally, purposefully, missionally. Ten years later, we lugged our husbands and (my) children to the Cape to spend a weekend in a tiny house on the beach - we talked about marriage, parenting, our work, our families, and about living intentionally, purposefully, missionally. Many things have changed, but there are some that remain the same. And for that, I am grateful.

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