Friday, February 24, 2012

February Update

It seems I have been using Facebook as my main on-line outlet these days. But there is something nice about actually writing something longer than two sentences, so I have been itching to get back on this blog. January and February have been very full months for us. Jason and I have transitioned (finally) to being on our own with two little ones, I started back up at work part-time, we welcomed a new housemate into our household, and we took a little trip to Maine to enjoy some time with friends. The biggest thing, of course, has been watching our little baby grow. He really does change every day, and we are constantly amazed at the miracle of new life. For all the above, we have been so thankful.

And what have our days been filled up with (besides cooking, cleaning and diapering)? Here are a few that have been recorded by my trusty little iphone...

I have been on a chocolate kick. Can't seem to get enough of chocolate these days. So, one afternoon, I decide to ruin all our dinners with these homemade brownies. I just couldn't help it.

My two year old has been enjoying the musical talents of those in the house...and it's been fun to watch.

There's been a good deal of dreaming and planning for our house garden this year with all those in the house. I've been learning a lot about seeds, soil, methods, etc. We got an early start on some broccoli, but stay tuned for how the Gibbens garden grows this year!

While it's still technically winter, I am hoping to finish one more knitting project - and despite the fact that I have a cute little baby to knit for, this one is for myself. :)

And finally, when I can, in those moments when the baby is happily lying next to me, when the toddler is being taken care of (or somehow miraculously quiet), and I get a chance to just sit...a little...and read...a little...and enjoy a cup of tea - it seems simple enough, but I've been really treasuring the chance to read these days.

And with that, I will end this February update....and go back to work. :)

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